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Why Wages Rise

124 pages, 1957

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

In this book, F. A. Harper offers a defense of the labor theory of value. Harper argues that wages are not determined by labor unions but by workers' efforts. Workers can improve their position in life by investing in skills rather than depending on others to support them.

Understanding the Role of Productivity

In Why Wages Rise, F.A. Harper explains that productivity is a key factor in wage increases. The more productive a worker is, the more value they bring to their employer, which can lead to higher wages. So, if you're looking to boost your income, it might be worth exploring ways to increase your productivity.

The Impact of Supply and Demand

Harper digs into the concept of supply and demand and how it affects wages. When there's a high demand for a particular skill set and a low supply of workers who possess it, wages tend to rise. This could be a good reason to research and acquire skills that are in high demand.

The Influence of Competition

Competition plays a significant role in wage increases, as Harper points out in his book. When employers compete for the same workers, they often have to offer higher wages to attract the best talent. This is something to consider when you're job hunting or negotiating your salary.

The Effect of Government Policies

F.A. Harper also discusses how government policies can impact wages. For example, minimum wage laws and labor regulations can affect how much workers are paid. It's important to understand these policies and how they might affect your income.

The Importance of Economic Freedom

In Why Wages Rise, Harper emphasizes the importance of economic freedom. He argues that when workers have the freedom to choose where they work and what they do, it can lead to higher wages and better working conditions. This is a powerful reminder of the value of freedom in our work lives.


Charles Koch

Charles Koch
