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Why Buddhism is True

336 pages, 2018


From one of America’s most brilliant writers, a New York Times bestselling journey through psychology and philosophy shows how meditation holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness. At the heart of Buddhism is a simple claim: The reason we suffer—and the reason we make other people suffer—is that we don’t see the world clearly. At the heart of Buddhist meditative practice is a radical promise: We can learn to see the world, including ourselves, more clearly and so gain deep and morally valid happiness.

Understanding the Mind

In 'Why Buddhism is True', Robert Wright explores the concept of 'not-self'. He suggests that our minds are made up of different parts, often with conflicting desires. This can lead to suffering. By understanding this, we can start to control our reactions and reduce our suffering.

The Power of Meditation

Wright digs into the practice of mindfulness meditation. He explains how it can help us see the world more clearly and reduce our suffering. It's not about emptying the mind, but about understanding our thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Evolution and Buddhism

Robert Wright takes a look at how evolution and Buddhism intersect. He suggests that our brains evolved to help us survive, not to see the truth. But through practices like meditation, we can start to see things as they really are.

The Illusion of Self

In 'Why Buddhism is True', Wright explores the idea that our sense of self is an illusion. We often think of ourselves as a single entity, but in reality, we're made up of many different parts. Understanding this can help us let go of harmful self-judgments.

The Truth of Buddhism

Wright's research into Buddhism shows that its core teachings align with modern psychology and neuroscience. He argues that Buddhism's insights into the nature of the mind are not just true, but profoundly useful. So, if you're looking for a way to reduce suffering and find peace, check out 'Why Buddhism is True'.

Quotes 3

Robert Wright's book is a game changer. It's a deep dive into the essence of human nature and the truth of Buddhism.

Sam HarrisSam Harris - Neuroscientist, Author

Why Buddhism is True will provide you with a rich and deep understanding of your own mind. It's a must-read.

Yuval Noah HarariYuval Noah Harari - Historian, Author

Robert Wright's book is a profound exploration of the human mind and the truths of Buddhism. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding themselves and the world around them.

Daniel GolemanDaniel Goleman - Psychologist, Author
Sam HarrisYuval Noah HarariDaniel Goleman


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