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Who We Are and How We Got Here

368 pages, 2019

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books


999 books

In The New Science of the Human Past, David Reich describes with unprecedented clarity how technological innovations in genomics and the extraction of ancient DNA have profoundly changed our understanding of human prehistory.

 Massive technological innovations now allow scientists to extract and analyze ancient DNA as never before, and it has become clear—in part from Reich's own contributions to the field—that genomics is as important a means of understanding the human past as archeology, linguistics, and the written word.

Understanding Our Genetic History

In 'Who We Are and How We Got Here', David Reich explores the fascinating world of genetics and human history. He shows us how DNA can reveal the migration patterns of our ancestors, and how we're all connected in ways we never imagined. It's like a time machine that lets us see into the past.

The Power of Ancient DNA

Reich digs into the power of ancient DNA, showing us how it can unlock secrets about our past. He explains how scientists can extract DNA from ancient bones and teeth, and use it to piece together the story of human evolution. It's like a detective story, but with genes instead of clues.

The Controversy of Genetic Differences

The book also tackles the controversial topic of genetic differences between populations. Reich argues that while there are differences, they don't justify racism or discrimination. He believes in the power of genetics to bring people together, not tear them apart.

The Future of Genetic Research

Reich also looks into the future of genetic research. He believes that as we continue to explore our DNA, we'll make new discoveries that could change the way we understand ourselves and our history. It's a thrilling prospect, and one that makes this book a must-read.

The Impact of Migration on Our Genes

Finally, 'Who We Are and How We Got Here' shows us how migration has shaped our genes. Reich's research reveals that humans have always been on the move, and that this movement has left its mark on our DNA. It's a fascinating look at how our past shapes our present, and how it might shape our future.

Quotes 3

David Reich's book is a captivating journey through our species' complex history. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the origins of humankind.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Reich's book is a brilliant synthesis of genetic, archaeological, and linguistic research that sheds light on the history of our species. It's a game-changer.

Steven PinkerSteven Pinker - Cognitive Psychologist

David Reich's book is a riveting, panoramic view of human history. It's a monumental achievement that only a scientist of his caliber could pull off.

Siddhartha MukherjeeSiddhartha Mukherjee - Medical Writer
Bill GatesSteven PinkerSiddhartha Mukherjee


Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

entrepreneurmedia personalitytechnologyventure capitalist
Michael Mauboussin

Michael Mauboussin


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