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624 pages, 2020
Over the past several decades, immigration has been reshaping Western Europe and North America. Today, half of the American babies are nonwhite, and by the end of this century, minorities and those of mixed race are projected to form a majority in many countries.
Eric Kaufmann draws on surveys conducted in several Western countries to explore how whites have responded to ethnic change. In Whiteshift , he calls for us to move beyond empty talk about national identity and open up debate about the future of white majorities.
He argues that we must ditch the diverse myth that whites will dwindle, replacing it with a new story of majority transformation that can help lift anxieties and heal today's widening political divisions. A bold, original work, Whiteshift will redefine the way we think about ethnic diversity and populism.
In his book, Eric Kauffman introduces the term 'Whiteshift', which refers to the blending of races, particularly the white majority with ethnic minorities. He suggests that this shift will be the future of Western societies. It's a fascinating concept to explore, especially in the context of current global demographics.
Kauffman digs into the role of immigration in changing racial demographics. He argues that the increase in non-white immigration in Western societies is leading to a gradual 'whitening' of the population. This is a thought-provoking perspective on the impact of immigration policies.
The book also explores the rise of right-wing populism as a reaction to ethnic change. Kauffman suggests that this is a response to the fear of Whiteshift among the white majority. It's an interesting look into the political implications of demographic changes.
Kauffman researches the future of ethnic identity in the face of Whiteshift. He predicts that mixed-race identities will become more common and accepted, leading to a new definition of what it means to be 'white'. This is a fascinating exploration of how our identities might evolve in the future.
One of the key takeaways from Whiteshift is the importance of open dialogue about race and immigration. Kauffman believes that suppressing such discussions can lead to resentment and division. So, take a look at this book if you're interested in fostering more understanding and unity in our diverse societies.
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