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When She Makes More

272 pages, 2014


How to thrive in a relationship when you’re the richer half. While love is blind, finances should not be overlooked. In this highly practical book, financial guru and media star Farnoosh Torabi—a breadwinner herself—presents a bold strategy that not only addresses how income imbalances affect relationships and family dynamics, but also how a woman can best manage (and take advantage of) this unique circumstance—emotionally, socially, and financially. Among the rules: • Rewrite the Fairy Tale: Come to grips with the new landscape for dating, marriage, and ever after.• Find Your Favorite Position: Stay on top of the finances while allowing your partner to lead.• Don’t Settle for a Mr. Mom: The math may conclude it’s best for him to quit his job to become the primary caregiver, but there's far more to consider.

Embrace the Role Reversal

In 'When She Makes More', Farnoosh Torabi encourages women who are the primary earners in their households to embrace this role. She suggests that it's not just about the money, but about the power and respect that comes with it. So, if you're a woman who earns more than your partner, don't shy away from it. Instead, take pride in your financial independence and use it to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Communication is Key

Torabi emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication in relationships where the woman is the main breadwinner. She suggests that couples should regularly discuss their finances, expectations, and any concerns they might have. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, and ensure that both partners feel valued and respected.

Plan for the Future

One of the key takeaways from 'When She Makes More' is the importance of financial planning. Torabi advises women who earn more to take a proactive approach to their finances. This includes saving for retirement, investing wisely, and ensuring that they have a financial safety net in case of emergencies. By doing so, they can secure their financial future and reduce the stress that often comes with being the main earner.

Address the Emotional Aspects

In her book, Torabi explores the emotional challenges that can arise when a woman earns more than her partner. She advises women to be sensitive to their partner's feelings and to provide reassurance and support. She also encourages men to express their feelings and to seek support if they're struggling with the situation.

Work-Life Balance

Finally, 'When She Makes More' highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Torabi suggests that women who earn more should not neglect their personal lives in pursuit of career success. She encourages them to take time for themselves, to nurture their relationships, and to ensure that they're not carrying an unfair share of the household responsibilities.


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