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What's the Matter with Kansas

322 pages, 2005

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

The recent economic downturn has exposed and intensified a phenomenon: the rapid growth of Collaborative Consumption. From enormous marketplaces such as eBay and Craigslist to emerging sectors such as peer-to-peer lending (Zopa) and swap trading (Swaptree), businesses built around the idea of swapping goods, services, and money are disrupting outdated modes of business. 

They are redefining how goods and services are exchanged, valued, and created—in areas as diverse as finance and travel; agriculture, food production, and manufacturing; information technology; education; retail; healthcare; energy; real estate; transportation; management consulting; waste management/cleanup; security/safety/protection; law enforcement/firefighting/emergency response services; and agriculture.

Understanding the Conservative Shift

In 'What's the Matter with Kansas', Thomas Frank explores the shift of Kansas from a progressive state to a conservative one. He digs into the reasons behind this change, making it a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the political landscape of America.

The Role of Economic Issues

Frank's research shows that economic issues play a significant role in political leanings. He finds that conservative leaders in Kansas have successfully used economic issues to rally support, despite their policies often not benefiting the majority of their supporters.

The Power of Culture Wars

The book takes a look at how culture wars have been used to distract from economic issues. Frank suggests that by focusing on cultural issues, conservative leaders have been able to gain support from working-class voters, even when their economic policies may not be in these voters' best interests.

The Impact of Populist Movements

Frank explores the rise and impact of populist movements in Kansas. He sees these movements as a response to economic hardship and a desire for change. This book will help you understand the power and influence of populist movements in shaping political landscapes.

The Disconnect Between Voters and Policies

One of the key takeaways from 'What's the Matter with Kansas' is the disconnect between voters and the policies they support. Frank finds that many voters support policies that don't necessarily benefit them economically, highlighting the power of cultural and social issues in shaping political views.

Quotes 3

Thomas Frank's 'What's the Matter with Kansas?' is a powerful exploration of how economic self-interest is often overlooked in favor of cultural and social issues during political decision-making.

Bill MoyersBill Moyers - Journalist, Political commentator

Frank's book brilliantly illustrates the paradox of voters supporting policies against their own economic interests.

Paul KrugmanPaul Krugman - Economist, Columnist

Thomas Frank's 'What's the Matter with Kansas?' is a compelling examination of the American political landscape, particularly the disconnect between voters' economic needs and their voting patterns.

Barbara EhrenreichBarbara Ehrenreich - Author, Social critic
Bill MoyersPaul KrugmanBarbara Ehrenreich


Jimmy Dore

Jimmy Dore
