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What We See When We Read

448 pages, 2014

arts & entertainment

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A gorgeously unique fully illustrated exploration into the phenomenology of reading—how we visualize images from reading works of literature, from one of our very best book jacket designers, himself a passionate reader. Peter Mendelsund is an award-winning designer, classically trained pianist, and lover of literature.

 His collection of fragmented images on a page–a graceful ear there, a stray curl, a hat positioned just so–and other clues and signifiers help us to create an image of a character. But in fact, our sense that we know a character intimately has little to do with our ability to concretely picture our beloved or reviled literary figures.

Reading is a Visual Experience

In 'What We See When We Read', Peter Mendelsund explores the idea that reading is not just about words on a page, but a visual experience. He suggests that as we read, we create images in our minds that help us understand and connect with the story. So, next time you pick up a book, try to pay attention to the images your mind creates.

Imagination Plays a Key Role

Mendelsund emphasizes the role of imagination in reading. He believes that the images we create in our minds are not just based on the author's descriptions, but also on our own experiences, memories, and emotions. This means that each reader's experience of a book is unique. So, don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild when you read.

The Power of Words

The book also explores the power of words. Mendelsund argues that words are not just symbols on a page, but tools that can evoke emotions, trigger memories, and transport us to different worlds. This is a reminder of how powerful and magical reading can be. So, next time you read, take a moment to appreciate the power of words.

The Role of the Author

Mendelsund also discusses the role of the author in reading. He suggests that the author's job is not just to tell a story, but to guide the reader's imagination. This means that the author and the reader are partners in the reading process. So, when you read, remember that you are not just a passive consumer, but an active participant.

The Mystery of Reading

Finally, 'What We See When We Read' reminds us that reading is a mysterious and magical process. Despite all the research and theories, there is still so much we don't understand about how we read and why we love it. So, if you're a book lover, this book will give you a new appreciation for the magic of reading.



Cleo Abram

Cleo Abram

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