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What the Living Do

96 pages, 1999

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

What the Living Do is a poetry of intimacy, witness, honesty, and relation. It reflects a new form of confessional poetry shared by other women poets such as Sharon Olds and Jane Kenyon. Unlike the earlier confessional poetry of Plath, Lowell, Sexton, et al., Howe's writing does not so much moan or shriek as sing. It is a genuinely feminine form.

Exploring the Human Condition

Marie Howe's What the Living Do is a deep exploration of the human condition. It's a journey into the heart of what it means to be alive, to love, to grieve, and to find meaning in the everyday. You'll find yourself reflecting on your own experiences as you read.

Dealing with Grief

One of the key themes in What the Living Do is dealing with grief. Howe beautifully captures the raw, painful, and often confusing process of mourning. If you've ever lost someone close to you, this book will resonate deeply and may even offer some comfort.

Finding Beauty in the Ordinary

Howe has a unique ability to find beauty in the most ordinary moments. From a simple cup of coffee to a walk in the park, she reminds us to appreciate the little things in life. It's a great reminder to slow down and take in the world around us.

The Power of Poetry

What the Living Do is a testament to the power of poetry. Howe's words are not just beautiful, they're also incredibly impactful. They have the ability to make you see the world in a new light, and to feel deeply. If you're new to poetry, this book is a great place to start.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

Reading What the Living Do is like embarking on a journey of self-discovery. As you explore the pages of this book, you'll also be exploring your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's a book that encourages introspection and personal growth.


authorLena Dunham

Lena Dunham
