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What Technology Wants
416 pages, 2011
From the author of the bestselling The Inevitable, a new book that is a provocative look at technology as a living force. By mapping the behavior of life, we can get a glimpse at where technology is headed or what it wants.
In this visionary and optimistic book, Kevin Kelly offers a dozen trajectories in the coming decades for this near-living system. And as we align ourselves with technology's agenda, we can capture its colossal potential.
In 'What Technology Wants', Kevin Kelly presents an interesting perspective that technology is a living system, much like an organism. He suggests that technology, or 'technium' as he calls it, has its own needs and desires. This might sound a bit strange at first, but once you dig into the book, you'll find it's a fascinating way to look at the world of tech.
Kelly explores the idea that technology evolves, much like biological species. He argues that every new invention or innovation is a continuation of previous ones. This means that technology is not just a bunch of stuff, but a process. So, if you're interested in the history and future of technology, you should definitely check out this book.
One of the key points in 'What Technology Wants' is the impact of technology on society. Kelly argues that technology has its own agenda, and it's reshaping our culture, economy, and even our brains in ways we might not even realize. This book will make you see the relationship between humans and technology in a new light.
Kelly believes that the development of certain technologies is inevitable. He suggests that once certain preconditions are met, these technologies will emerge, regardless of human intervention. This might make you rethink your views on free will and determinism in the context of technological development.
In 'What Technology Wants', Kelly doesn't shy away from discussing the ethical implications of technology. He encourages us to think about how we can guide the development of new technologies in a way that aligns with our values. If you're interested in the intersection of technology and ethics, you'll find plenty of food for thought in this book.
Quotes 3
Kevin Kelly's 'What Technology Wants' is a profound and elegant meditation on the nature and destiny of technology.

Kevin Kelly's 'What Technology Wants' is a thought-provoking exploration of technology's place in society.

'What Technology Wants' by Kevin Kelly is a deep dive into the essence of technology and its impact on our lives.