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What Does It Mean to Be Human?

304 pages, 2001



711 books

In almost one hundred insightful and thought-provoking essays, the contributors to this book--social activists, thinkers, artists, and spiritual leaders--recount their own experiences with hope and faith in hopes of defining a set of universal values for the rapidly changing world around us.

Understanding Humanity

Frederick Franck explores the concept of what it means to be human. He encourages us to look into our own lives and see how we can become more compassionate, understanding, and accepting of others. This book is a great starting point for anyone wanting to dig deeper into the essence of humanity.

The Power of Perception

Franck emphasizes the importance of perception in understanding our human nature. He suggests that the way we see the world around us shapes our experiences and interactions. So, take a moment to check how you perceive things, it might change your life.

Art and Humanity

The author beautifully intertwines art and humanity in his book. He believes that art is a powerful tool to express and understand human emotions. If you're an art lover, you'll find this perspective fascinating.

Spirituality and Being Human

Frederick Franck delves into the spiritual aspect of being human. He suggests that exploring our spiritual side can lead to a deeper understanding of our purpose and existence. If you're on a spiritual journey, this book might be a great companion.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

The book encourages readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Franck believes that understanding oneself is the first step towards understanding what it means to be human. So, if you're ready to take a look into your inner self, this book is a must-read.



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