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What Can I Do?

512 pages, 2020

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

When Jane Fonda, an activist for decades, launched Fire Drill Fridays in October 2019, she was fed up with the lack of action from politicians on climate change and was inspired by activists like Greta Thunberg, who had been leading student climate strikes across the world. With a group of young people at her side, Fonda led weekly climate change demonstrations on Capitol Hill and risked arrest to protest for action. ‍

Fonda's life has been shaped by activism, and now the public can learn from her example. Many are already aware of how climate change will affect our future, but they don't know what they can do to stop it. In 2019, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases hit the highest level ever recorded in human history; our window of opportunity is closing fast. 

We are facing a climate crisis, but we're also facing an empathy crisis and an inequality crisis; the surge of protests over police violence against black Americans has once again highlighted the links between racism and environmental degradation in our country.

Understanding Climate Change

Jane Fonda's book 'What Can I Do?' encourages us to explore the reality of climate change. She provides a comprehensive look into the science behind it, the impact it has on our planet, and the urgency to act now. It's a great resource to understand this global issue.

Activism is for Everyone

Fonda emphasizes that everyone can be an activist. You don't need to be a celebrity or a politician to make a difference. She shares her own experiences and encourages readers to find their own ways to contribute to the cause.

The Power of Protests

In 'What Can I Do?', Fonda highlights the importance of protests in bringing about change. She shares her own experiences of being arrested during protests and how these acts of civil disobedience can draw attention to important issues.

The Role of Government and Corporations

Fonda urges readers to research and understand the role of government and corporations in climate change. She argues that these entities have a responsibility to take action and that we, as citizens, can hold them accountable.

Personal Changes Matter

While Fonda acknowledges the importance of systemic change, she also emphasizes the impact of personal choices. She encourages readers to check their own habits and see how they can make more sustainable choices in their daily lives.


Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman


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