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160 pages, 2019



1382 books

When widowed mule breeder Cy Bellman reads in the newspaper that colossal ancient bones have been discovered in the salty Kentucky mud, he sets out from his small Pennsylvania farm to see for himself if the rumors are true: that the giant monsters are still alive and roam the uncharted wilderness beyond the Mississippi River.

 Promising to write and to return in two years, he leaves behind his only daughter, Bess, to the tender mercies of his taciturn sister and heads west. With only a barnyard full of miserable animals and her dead mother’s gold ring to call her own, Bess fills lonely days tracing her father’s route on maps at the subscription library and waiting for his letters to arrive. 

Bellman wanders farther and farther from home, across harsh and alien landscapes; once-familiar landmarks fade into view only long enough for him to wonder if he’s going mad or if he really is seeing some kind of dinosaur.

The Power of Belief

In West, Carys Davies explores the power of belief and how it can drive us to do extraordinary things. The protagonist, Cy Bellman, is so convinced that there are giant creatures in the unexplored West that he leaves everything behind to find them. This shows us how our beliefs can shape our actions and our lives.

The Cost of Obsession

The book also shows us the cost of obsession. Bellman's fixation on his quest leads him to abandon his young daughter and risk his life. This is a reminder that while it's important to pursue our passions, we should also consider the impact on those around us.

The Importance of Resilience

Throughout the book, Carys Davies highlights the importance of resilience. Despite the numerous challenges and setbacks Bellman faces, he never gives up on his quest. This teaches us the value of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.

The Role of Nature

Nature plays a significant role in West. The vast, unexplored wilderness of the West is both a source of wonder and danger for Bellman. This encourages us to appreciate the beauty and power of the natural world, and to respect its unpredictability.

The Impact of Absence

Finally, the book explores the impact of absence. Bellman's daughter, Bess, is left to grow up without her father. This absence shapes her life in profound ways, showing us how the absence of a loved one can leave a lasting mark.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker


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