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Werewolf of Paris

286 pages, 2013



1382 books

In an attempt to do for werewolves what Stoker did for vampires, Endore's Werewolf: A Romance is a dark, episodic tale of an outcast named Bertrand Caillet who travels around seeking to calm the beast within. A landmark work of fantasy and horror, this novel was decidedly influential for the generations of authors who came after it.

Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature

In Werewolf of Paris, Guy Endore invites us to explore the dark side of human nature. The book shows us that everyone has a beast within them, and it's up to us to control it or let it control us. It's a fascinating look into the human psyche.

The Power of Environment and Upbringing

The book makes us see how our environment and upbringing can shape us. The protagonist, Bertrand, becomes a werewolf due to circumstances beyond his control. It's a reminder that our past and surroundings can have a profound impact on who we become.

The Horror of War

Endore doesn't shy away from showing the horrors of war. He uses the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian War to highlight the beastly side of humanity. It's a stark reminder of the atrocities that can occur during times of conflict.

The Struggle with Identity

Werewolf of Paris digs into the struggle of identity. Bertrand's struggle with his werewolf identity parallels the struggles many of us face in understanding who we are. It's a thought-provoking take on self-discovery and acceptance.

The Consequences of Unchecked Desires

The book also shows the consequences of unchecked desires. Bertrand's uncontrollable urges lead to disastrous outcomes. It's a cautionary tale about the importance of self-control and the dangers of giving in to our baser instincts.


authorGuillermo Del Toro

Guillermo Del Toro


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