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We Need to Talk About Kevin

432 pages, 2011



1382 books

The gripping international bestseller about motherhood is a series of startlingly direct correspondences between a woman who never really wanted to be a mother – and certainly not the mother of the unlovable boy who murdered seven of his fellow high school students, a cafeteria worker, and a much-adored teacher who tried to befriend him, all two days before his sixteenth birthday – and her estranged husband. Now, two years later, it is time for her to come to terms with marriage, career, family, parenthood, and Kevin's horrific rampage.

Exploring the Complexity of Parenting

Lionel Shriver's book, We Need to Talk About Kevin, gives us a deep look into the challenges and complexities of parenting. It shows us that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to raising children, and that sometimes, despite our best efforts, things can go wrong.

Understanding the Nature vs. Nurture Debate

The book delves into the age-old debate of nature vs. nurture. It makes us question whether Kevin's actions were a result of his upbringing or if they were inherent in his nature. It's a great read if you want to explore this topic further.

The Impact of Family Dynamics

Shriver's novel also highlights the impact of family dynamics on a child's development. It shows how strained relationships and lack of communication can lead to disastrous consequences. It's a reminder to always check in with our loved ones and maintain healthy relationships.

The Struggles of Motherhood

We Need to Talk About Kevin is a raw and honest portrayal of the struggles of motherhood. It shows that it's okay to not always feel a strong bond with your child and that these feelings don't make you a bad parent. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the realities of being a mother.

The Consequences of Denial

One of the key takeaways from the book is the consequences of denial. It shows how ignoring problems and not addressing them can lead to tragic outcomes. It's a wake-up call to confront our issues head-on and seek help when needed.

Quotes 4

A haunting and thought-provoking novel that explores the aftermath of a horrifying crime from the perspective of the perpetrator's parents. It's a book that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about parenting and the nature of evil.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Fiction Author

A gripping, chilling and surprising novel. It's one of the most devastating critiques of modern society and parenthood I've ever read.

Jodi PicoultJodi Picoult - Contemporary Fiction Author

A deeply unsettling exploration of a mother's complicated love for her son, who has committed an unthinkable act. It's a book that forces us to confront our darkest fears and question our deepest beliefs.

John GreenJohn Green - Young Adult Fiction Author

A brutally honest and unflinching examination of the dark side of motherhood. It's a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.

Gillian FlynnGillian Flynn - Thriller Fiction Author
Stephen KingJodi PicoultJohn GreenGillian Flynn


Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence


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