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We Are Never Meeting In Real Life

288 pages, 2017

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

In her new book, We Are Never Meeting in Real Life. , Samantha Irby turns the serio-comic essay into an art form. Whether talking about how her difficult childhood has led to a problem in making adult budgets, explaining why she should be the new Bachelorette--she is 35-ish, but could easily pass for 60-something--detailing a disastrous pilgrimage-slash-romantic-vacation to Nashville to scatter her estranged father's ashes, sharing awkward sexual encounters, or dispensing advice on how to navigate friendships with former drinking buddies who are now suburban moms--hang in there for the Costco loot--she's as deft at poking fun at the ghosts of her past self as she is at capturing powerful emotional truths.

Embrace Your Imperfections

Samantha Irby encourages us to embrace our imperfections. She shows us that it's okay to be different and that our quirks make us unique. So, don't be afraid to show your true self to the world.

Humor as a Coping Mechanism

Irby uses humor as a coping mechanism to deal with life's challenges. She shows us that laughter can be a powerful tool to handle stress and adversity. So, next time you're feeling down, try to find the humor in the situation.

The Power of Authenticity

In We Are Never Meeting In Real Life, Samantha Irby explores the power of authenticity. She encourages us to be true to ourselves and not to conform to societal expectations. So, take a look at your life and see if you're living authentically.

The Importance of Self-Care

Irby emphasizes the importance of self-care. She reminds us that it's okay to put ourselves first and to take care of our mental and physical health. So, make sure to take some time for yourself every day.

Facing Life's Challenges Head-On

Samantha Irby doesn't shy away from life's challenges. She faces them head-on and encourages us to do the same. So, next time you're faced with a challenge, don't run away from it. Instead, face it head-on and see what you can learn from it.

Quotes 3

Samantha Irby's writing is both poignant and hilarious. Her book, 'We Are Never Meeting In Real Life', is a must-read that will make you laugh, cry, and feel seen.

Roxane GayRoxane Gay - Feminist writer

Irby's 'We Are Never Meeting In Real Life' is a masterclass in being true to yourself, even when it's uncomfortable or difficult.

Lindy WestLindy West - Opinion writer

Samantha Irby's book is a breath of fresh air. It's raw, it's real, and it's incredibly funny.

Jenny LawsonJenny Lawson - Humorist author
Roxane GayLindy WestJenny Lawson


authorRoxane Gay

Roxane Gay
