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Way of the Actor

224 pages, 2001

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

In traditional communities across the world and still today, actors have been regarded as keepers of intuitive wisdom. Brian Bates feels that this is still the case in our culture, as actors and actresses serve as modern-day shamans and seers who sweep viewers out of their everyday lives and guide them on a voyage of self-discovery. 

The author draws on extensive research in science, psychology, parapsychology, and Eastern and Western mysticism to explore the significance of dramatic art. Citing his own observations and experiences with more than thirty famous actors including Meryl Streep, Marlon Brando, Glenda Jackson, Liv Ullmann, and Jack Nicholson, Bates explores how their talents have influenced the development of their characters over time.

The Power of Imagination

Brian Bates emphasizes the importance of imagination in acting. He believes that an actor's ability to create a believable character comes from their ability to imagine themselves in different situations. So, if you're looking to improve your acting skills, start by flexing your imagination muscles.

The Role of Emotions

In 'Way of the Actor', Bates explores the crucial role emotions play in acting. He suggests that actors need to tap into their own emotions to portray their characters convincingly. This means you'll need to get comfortable with your feelings if you want to succeed in acting.

The Importance of Observation

Bates encourages actors to be keen observers of human behavior. By watching how people behave in different situations, actors can learn to mimic these behaviors in their performances. So, take some time to people-watch and see what you can learn.

The Actor's Journey

The book takes you on a journey through the life of an actor. Bates shares insights into the challenges and rewards of the acting profession. If you're considering a career in acting, this book will give you a realistic look into what you can expect.

The Connection Between Actor and Audience

Bates also explores the relationship between the actor and the audience. He believes that a successful performance is one that resonates with the audience on an emotional level. So, if you want to captivate your audience, you'll need to find a way to connect with them emotionally.


Emma Watson

Emma Watson


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157 books

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