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Walking With Shadows

216 pages, 2005



1382 books

Ebele Njoko had survived a lonely and often painful childhood. As an adult, he reinvented himself as Adrian Njoko, a husband, father, and mentor. But when he receives a phone call from his parents after many years apart, he is forced to confront his secret and come to terms with the possibility of losing his family.

Exploring Personal Identity

Walking With Shadows by Jude Dibia invites readers to explore the concept of personal identity. The book challenges us to question societal norms and expectations, encouraging us to embrace our true selves, no matter how unconventional.

Understanding Homosexuality in African Society

The book provides a rare look into the life of a gay man in Nigeria, a society where homosexuality is largely unaccepted. It's a chance to see the struggles and challenges faced by such individuals, and to develop empathy and understanding.

The Power of Love and Acceptance

Jude Dibia's book shows us the transformative power of love and acceptance. It's a reminder that everyone deserves to be loved for who they are, and that acceptance can bring about profound change in a person's life.

The Impact of Secrets on Relationships

Walking With Shadows delves into the impact of secrets on relationships. It's a great book to check out if you're interested in understanding how honesty and transparency can strengthen relationships, while secrets can lead to their downfall.

Courage in the Face of Adversity

The book is a testament to the courage it takes to live authentically in the face of adversity. It's a call to action for all of us to stand up for what we believe in, even when it's not easy.


Gbemi Olateru Olagbegi

Gbemi Olateru Olagbegi

media personality