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Violence and Social Orders

346 pages, 2012



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

All societies must deal with the possibility of violence. Some ways of dealing with it are more effective than others. 

This book integrates the problem of violence into a larger social science and historical framework, showing how economic and political behavior is closely linked. In modern societies, which we call open-access societies, political and economic competition fosters development by restricting the use of violence by influential individuals.

 In contrast, natural states limit violence by political manipulation of the economy to create privileged interests. These privileges hinder economic and political development, which is why most societies today are open-access ones.

Understanding the Concept of Violence

In 'Violence and Social Orders', Douglass C. North explores the role of violence in shaping societies. He suggests that violence is not just a random act, but a tool used by those in power to maintain control and order. This book will make you see violence in a whole new light.

The Role of Institutions

North digs into the importance of institutions in shaping societies. He argues that institutions, both formal and informal, play a crucial role in maintaining social order and preventing violence. This book will help you understand the power of institutions in our lives.

The Impact of Social Orders

The book takes a deep look into how social orders impact the level of violence in a society. North suggests that societies with a 'limited access order' tend to have higher levels of violence compared to those with 'open access orders'. This will make you rethink how social structures can influence violence.

The Evolution of Societies

North explores the evolution of societies from primitive to modern times. He researches how violence and social orders have changed over time, providing a historical perspective that's both enlightening and thought-provoking. This book will take you on a journey through time, exploring the evolution of societies.

The Power of Elites

In 'Violence and Social Orders', North takes a look at the role of elites in shaping societies. He argues that elites often use violence to maintain their power and control over resources. This book will make you see the power dynamics in society from a new perspective.


Emmett Shear

Emmett Shear

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