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688 pages, 2019



999 books

The city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, was key to the Confederacy’s ability to defend itself on the Mississippi River. The city sat high above the river, allowing its inhabitants to control navigation on the waterway. The Union navy tried several times to take Vicksburg but was unsuccessful.

 Finally, after a year of fighting and months of siege, the Union army and navy took the city in 1863. 

In this gripping narrative, Donald L. Miller describes how Union General Ulysses S. Grant and Admiral David Porter were able to conquer Vicksburg by working together against a common enemy: the Confederate army.

The Importance of Vicksburg

In Vicksburg, Donald L. Miller paints a vivid picture of the significance of this city during the American Civil War. He shows us that Vicksburg was not just a city, but a strategic point that both the Union and Confederacy were desperate to control. It's a great reminder of how geography can shape the course of history.

The Human Side of War

Miller doesn't just focus on the military strategies and political implications of the Siege of Vicksburg. He also takes us into the lives of the soldiers and civilians caught up in the conflict. This book will make you see the human cost of war in a whole new light.

The Role of Leadership

One of the key takeaways from Vicksburg is the importance of leadership in times of crisis. Miller explores the decisions made by leaders on both sides of the conflict, showing how their choices shaped the outcome of the siege. If you're interested in leadership under pressure, this book is a must-read.

The Power of Persistence

The Siege of Vicksburg was a long and grueling battle, but the Union forces didn't give up. Miller's account of their persistence in the face of adversity is a powerful lesson in determination and resilience. It's a reminder that sometimes, victory goes to those who refuse to quit.

The Impact of Technology

In Vicksburg, you'll also get a glimpse into how technology influenced the Civil War. From the use of ironclad ships to the telegraph, Miller shows how new inventions changed the way battles were fought. If you're a history buff with an interest in technology, you'll find this aspect of the book fascinating.