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Value-Added Measures in Education

288 pages, 2011

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Douglas N. Harris, one of the leaders in the field of education research, presents his groundbreaking analysis of value-added measurement in schools. Based on years of study and collaboration with teachers, administrators, and schools across the country, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about one of the most successful measurement approaches today.

Understanding Value-Added Measures

In Value-Added Measures in Education, Douglas N. Harris explores the concept of value-added measures. He explains that these are statistical techniques used to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers and schools. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding how education systems can be improved.

The Controversy of Value-Added Measures

Harris digs into the controversy surrounding value-added measures. He explains that while these measures can provide valuable insights, they are not without their flaws. This book will help you understand both sides of the argument.

The Impact of Value-Added Measures on Education

The author takes a deep look into how value-added measures can impact education. He discusses how they can be used to identify effective teachers and schools, and how this can lead to improved educational outcomes. If you're interested in education reform, this is a must-read.

The Practicality of Value-Added Measures

Harris also explores the practicality of implementing value-added measures in education. He discusses the challenges and potential solutions, providing a comprehensive overview for anyone interested in education policy.

The Future of Value-Added Measures

In Value-Added Measures in Education, Harris doesn't just look at the current state of these measures. He also discusses their future, exploring potential improvements and changes. If you're interested in where education is heading, you'll want to check out this book.


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Bill Gates

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