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384 pages, 2012



1382 books

Veterinarian Helena had helped many animals cross to the other side. But when she died, she had trouble moving on. She was afraid that her life had been meaningless and forgettable. So, she haunted-- and was haunted by-- the life she left behind. Meanwhile, her husband David struggled with grief and the demands of caring for her houseful of damaged and beloved animals. But it was his wife's absence from her last project-- a chimpanzee named Cindy who may unlock the mystery of communication and consciousness-- that would have the greatest impact on all of them. When Cindy was scheduled for a research experiment that would undoubtedly take her life, David had to call upon everything he'd learned from his wife to save her.

The Power of Unspoken Bonds

Unsaid by Neil Abramson explores the deep, unspoken bonds between humans and animals. It's a reminder that love and connection aren't always expressed in words. You might find yourself looking at your pet in a whole new light after reading this book.

Life After Death

Abramson's book delves into the concept of life after death. It's not just about the physical aspect, but also the spiritual and emotional connections that continue to exist. This might make you think about your own beliefs and perceptions about life and death.

The Struggles of Letting Go

Unsaid is a journey into the struggles of letting go. The author beautifully portrays the pain and difficulty of moving on after a loss. It's a lesson about acceptance and healing that can be applied in our own lives.

The Ethical Dilemmas in Animal Testing

Neil Abramson's book also brings to light the ethical dilemmas involved in animal testing. It's a call to rethink our actions and their impact on innocent lives. If you're an animal lover, this book will definitely touch your heart.

The Complexity of Relationships

Unsaid is not just about human-animal bonds, but also explores the complexity of human relationships. It's a reminder that relationships are not always black and white, but filled with shades of grey. This book might make you reflect on your own relationships and their complexities.
