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256 pages, 2019

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


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In this work, Commentary editor and MSNBC contributor Noah Rothman uncovers the real motives behind the social justice movement and explains why, despite its occasionally ludicrous public face, it is a threat to be taken seriously. 

American political parties were once defined by their ideals. That idealism, however, is now imperiled by an obsession with the demographic categories of race, sex, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, which supposedly constitute a person’s “identity. ” 

As interest groups defined by identity alone command the comprehensive allegiance of their members—each convinced that if it is to rise another group must fall--ordinary politics gives way to “Identitarian” warfare.

Understanding the Concept of Social Justice

In Unjust, Noah Rothman explores the concept of social justice. He argues that it's often misused to justify actions that are actually unjust. This is a great opportunity for you to dig into the complexities of social justice and see how it's being applied in today's society.

The Impact of Identity Politics

Rothman takes a deep look into the world of identity politics. He suggests that it's creating divisions and conflicts, rather than promoting unity and understanding. If you're interested in politics, this book will give you a fresh perspective on the current political climate.

The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion

Unjust also explores the role of media in shaping public opinion. Rothman argues that media often amplifies the voices of the loudest and most extreme, rather than representing the views of the majority. This is a chance for you to research more about the influence of media in our lives.

The Danger of Victimhood Culture

Rothman warns about the dangers of a victimhood culture, where people compete for sympathy and status by claiming to be victims. He believes this is harmful to society and individuals. Check out this book to find out why he thinks this way and what can be done about it.

The Need for a Balanced Approach

In Unjust, Rothman emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to social justice and identity politics. He believes that extremes on either side can lead to injustice and division. This book will help you understand the importance of balance and moderation in these complex issues.


Bridget Phetasy

Bridget Phetasy

comedianmedia personality

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