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Universal Wisdom

317 pages, 2005



711 books


999 books

Following the success of his best-selling book Collective Wisdom, Brett Kelly has dug deeper into his quest to find out what makes certain people extraordinary. He discovered that there are seven key insights that determine life-changing success in anyone. 

The stories of these lives—told in intensively researched biographies, developed in complementary essays and featuring speeches and quotes of those profiled—reveal that there are indeed certain approaches to life that do help in progressing from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Understanding the Power of Mindfulness

Brett Kelly in Universal Wisdom emphasizes the importance of mindfulness. He suggests that by being present in the moment, we can better understand ourselves and the world around us. So, take a moment to explore this concept and see how it can transform your life.

The Role of Compassion in Personal Growth

The book Universal Wisdom highlights the role of compassion in personal growth. Brett Kelly believes that by showing kindness and understanding to others, we can grow as individuals. So, why not take a look at how you can incorporate more compassion into your life?

The Importance of Self-Love

In Universal Wisdom, self-love is a key theme. The author encourages us to appreciate ourselves and recognize our worth. This can lead to improved self-esteem and overall happiness. So, why not check out this book and find ways to love yourself more?

The Power of Positive Thinking

Brett Kelly's Universal Wisdom explores the power of positive thinking. He suggests that by maintaining a positive mindset, we can overcome challenges and achieve our goals. So, dig into this book and see how positive thinking can change your life.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Universal Wisdom by Brett Kelly is all about the journey of self-discovery. He encourages us to question our beliefs and values, and to seek our own truth. So, why not take a look at this book and embark on your own journey of self-discovery?


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Mike Cannon-Brookes

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