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352 pages, 2018
For fans of Nudge and Sway, a fascinating dive into the many ways in which competing truths shape our opinions, behaviors, and beliefs. When we communicate, we naturally select the truths that are most helpful to our agenda—but what happens when that agenda is driven by hate? For example: Eating meat is nutritious; it's also damaging to the environment.
The Internet disseminates knowledge but also spreads hatred. Adam Grant (Give and Take, Originals) calls on social science research to explain how we can select truths constructively to inspire organizations, encourage children and drive progressive change.
In 'Truth', Hector MacDonald explores the idea that truth is not always as simple as it seems. He suggests that there are often multiple truths, each with its own context and perspective. This book encourages you to look beyond the surface and dig deeper into the complexities of truth.
MacDonald emphasizes the power of perspective in shaping our understanding of truth. He argues that the way we see things can drastically change our perception of what is true. This book invites you to explore different perspectives and see how they can alter your perception of truth.
The author takes a look at how truth plays a crucial role in our society. He discusses how truth can be manipulated and used for both good and bad. This book encourages you to research and understand the societal implications of truth.
In 'Truth', MacDonald delves into the ways in which truth can be manipulated. He shows how those in power can twist the truth to serve their own purposes. This book encourages you to be aware of these manipulations and to question the truths presented to you.
MacDonald stresses the importance of seeking truth in our lives. He believes that understanding the truth can lead to personal growth and societal progress. This book inspires you to take the journey to find your own truth and to use it to make a positive impact on the world.