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Truth Decay

324 pages, 2018

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Our political and civil discourse is characterized by “Truth Decay,” which is when we no longer agree on the facts, opinions are given equal weight as fact, the volume of opinion has increased over fact, and we've lost trust in formerly respected sources of information. This report explores why this is happening, how it's affecting our society, and provides a plan for how we can fix it.

Understanding Truth Decay

In 'Truth Decay', Jennifer Kavanagh explores the diminishing role of facts and analysis in American public life. She argues that this trend is harmful to democracy and public discourse, leading to a lack of trust in institutions and each other.

The Role of Social Media

Kavanagh digs into the role of social media in spreading misinformation and contributing to truth decay. She suggests that the unchecked spread of false information can lead to a society where truth and facts are devalued.

The Impact on Democracy

The author takes a deep look into how truth decay can undermine democracy. When facts are disregarded, it becomes difficult for citizens to make informed decisions, which is a fundamental aspect of a functioning democracy.

The Importance of Media Literacy

Kavanagh emphasizes the importance of media literacy in combating truth decay. She suggests that being able to critically evaluate information is crucial in a world where false information is easily spread.

Solutions to Truth Decay

In the book, Kavanagh doesn't just highlight the problem, she also offers solutions. She suggests that changes in education, media, and policy can help restore the value of truth and facts in society.



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