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296 pages, 2019



1382 books

Twenty female essayists examine the conventional constraints of place-based writing in Trespass, allowing for more intricate investigations of the body, sexuality, gender and race. These pieces travel over time and space from a Minnesota summer camp to Kerala, India's peacock-lined streets, revealing their writers as artistic observers of their homes, lives and histories. Belle Boggs, Camille T. Dungy, Aimee Nezhukumatathil and Terry Tempest Williams reclaim places that have always been theirs alongside established voices in the field. Aisha Sabatini Sloan witnesses environmental racism while watching the police in Detroit and finds connection with her family and neighbors. Toni Jensen examines Native culture's disappearance on college campuses and questions concepts of safety in the face of sexual and gun violence through the prism of a developing neurological condition. Laurie Clements Lambeth depicts the strength and fragility of the human body through her work as an artist dealing with degenerative disease.

Exploring Human Relationships

In Trespass, Belle Boggs takes us on a journey to explore the complexities of human relationships. She beautifully portrays how these relationships can be affected by external factors such as societal norms and expectations.

Understanding the Impact of Environment

The book gives us a chance to see how our environment can shape our lives. Boggs uses the backdrop of rural Virginia to show how the characters' lives are intertwined with the land they live on.

Dealing with Loss and Grief

Trespass is a great book to check out if you want to understand how people deal with loss and grief. The author shows us that it's okay to grieve and that everyone has their own way of coping.

Exploring the Concept of Home

Boggs invites us to research the concept of 'home'. Is it a physical place, or is it where our loved ones are? This book will make you rethink what home means to you.

Understanding the Power of Secrets

In Trespass, we find that secrets can have a powerful impact on our lives. They can change the course of our lives and the lives of those around us. This book will make you think twice about the secrets you keep.


authorRolf Potts

Rolf Potts

journalistmedia personalityauthor