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Treasure Yourself
264 pages, 2012
In Treasure Yourself, international supermodel Miranda Kerr offers her own view on how her generation and those following can achieve greater health and happiness.
Miranda believes that one of the most powerful tools to facilitate change is a positive affirmation, and she has collected over 100 affirmations from some of the world’s most inspirational authors, including Louise L. Hay, Wayne W. Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and many more.
Miranda Kerr encourages readers to embrace their unique qualities. She believes that everyone is special in their own way and that we should celebrate our individuality rather than trying to fit into societal norms. So, take a look at yourself, appreciate your uniqueness and don't be afraid to show it to the world.
In Treasure Yourself, Kerr emphasizes the importance of positive affirmations. She suggests that by repeating positive statements to ourselves, we can change our mindset and attract positivity into our lives. So, why not give it a try? Start your day with a positive affirmation and see how it changes your perspective.
One of the key messages in the book is the importance of self-love. Kerr believes that loving and accepting ourselves is the first step towards happiness and success. So, take some time to appreciate yourself, treat yourself kindly and remember, you are worthy of love and respect.
Kerr also explores the concept of healthy living in her book. She encourages readers to take care of their physical health through proper nutrition and exercise, as well as their mental health through practices like meditation and mindfulness. So, why not check out some healthy recipes or find a new workout routine? Your body and mind will thank you.
Lastly, Kerr emphasizes the power of gratitude. She believes that being thankful for what we have can bring more positivity and happiness into our lives. So, why not start a gratitude journal? Write down something you're grateful for each day and see how it changes your outlook on life.
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