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320 pages, 2019



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In a future world where consumerism, superficiality and corruption reign supreme, outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem has decided to stop sitting by idly and watching the world crumble around him. Back in the saddle, no one in The City is safe. After years of self-imposed exile from a civilization rife with degradation and indecency, cynical journalist Spider Jerusalem is forced to return to a job that he hates and a city that he loathes. Working as an investigative reporter for the newspaper The Word, Spider attacks the injustices of his surreal 21st century surroundings—while trying to stay alive.

Exploring the Future

Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis gives us a glimpse into a dystopian future. It's a great read if you're interested in exploring what our world might look like in the years to come. Ellis paints a vivid picture of a society that's both fascinating and terrifying.

The Power of Journalism

The book's protagonist, Spider Jerusalem, is a journalist who uses his words to fight against corruption. It's a powerful reminder of the role journalism plays in society. If you're interested in media and its impact, you should definitely check this out.

The Importance of Truth

In Transmetropolitan, Ellis emphasizes the importance of truth. Spider Jerusalem, despite his flaws, is dedicated to uncovering and sharing the truth. It's a great reminder for us to always seek the truth in our own lives.

The Impact of Technology

Ellis's book also explores the impact of technology on society. From the benefits to the dangers, it's a fascinating look into how technology could shape our future. If you're into tech, you'll find this aspect of the book really interesting.

The Complexity of Characters

One of the things that makes Transmetropolitan so engaging is the complexity of its characters. Ellis has created characters that are flawed, relatable, and incredibly human. If you enjoy character-driven stories, you'll love this book.

Quotes 5

Transmetropolitan is a wild ride that dissects the dystopia of our future with unflinching precision.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - Author, Sandman Series

Transmetropolitan is a savage and satirical masterpiece, a true testament to the power of the graphic novel medium.

Grant MorrisonGrant Morrison - Comic Book Writer

Transmetropolitan is a work of genius, a comic book tour de force that will leave you breathless.

Alan MooreAlan Moore - Watchmen Creator

Transmetropolitan is a brilliant, brutal, and utterly original work of art.

Brian K. VaughanBrian K. Vaughan - Saga Writer

Transmetropolitan is a stunning achievement, a comic book that is both deeply disturbing and darkly humorous.

Garth EnnisGarth Ennis - Preacher Creator
Neil GaimanGrant MorrisonAlan MooreBrian K. VaughanGarth Ennis


Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

entrepreneurmedia personalitytechnologyventure capitalist

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