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Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain

304 pages, 2007



705 books
science & nature

science & nature

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909 books

The belief that we are trapped with what we were born with has long been disproved. Modern science has shown that the brain is capable of change and continual adaptation, so much so that leading Western scientists gathered at the Dalai Lamas residence in Dharamsala, India, in late 2004 to discuss this very question–and in the process, they revolutionized our knowledge of the human mind. 

Sharon Begley of the Wall Street Journal tells about how cutting-edge science and old Buddhist wisdom have come together to illustrate how we may practically transform our brains by changing our thinking in this interesting and far-reaching book. These discoveries have significant implications for personal change.

The Power of Neuroplasticity

Sharon Begley's book, Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, explores the concept of neuroplasticity. This is the idea that our brains can change and adapt throughout our lives. It's not just about being born with a 'good' or 'bad' brain, but about how we can train our minds to improve our brains.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Begley digs into the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. She shows how these practices can physically change the brain, improving areas related to attention, emotion regulation, and mental flexibility. So, if you're looking to improve your mental health, this book suggests you might want to check out meditation.

The Science Behind the Mind-Brain Connection

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain offers a deep look into the scientific research behind the mind-brain connection. Begley presents compelling evidence that our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can physically alter our brains. It's a fascinating read for anyone interested in the science of the mind.

The Role of Compassion and Positive Emotions

Begley also explores the role of compassion and positive emotions in brain health. She suggests that cultivating these feelings can lead to significant changes in the brain, improving our overall well-being. If you're looking to boost your happiness and mental health, this book provides some great insights.

Practical Applications

What's great about Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain is that it's not just theory. Begley provides practical applications and exercises that readers can use to start changing their brains today. So, if you're ready to take control of your brain health, this book is a great place to start.



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