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Touching the Rock

216 pages, 2016

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

Touching the Rock is a unique exploration of what it’s like to live without sight. John Hull's book reveals a world in which every human experience – eating and lovemaking, playing with children, and buying drinks in the bar – is transformed. 

Hull writes about odd sounds and echoes, people without faces, and a curious new relationship between waking and dreaming. He describes a changed perception of nature and human personality that makes this book poetry; the depth of his reflection turns it into phenomenology or philosophy.

Understanding Blindness

In 'Touching the Rock', John Hull gives us a deep insight into the world of blindness. He shares his personal journey, allowing us to explore the challenges and adaptations he had to make. It's a great opportunity to see life from a different perspective.

Emotional Journey

The book isn't just about physical blindness, it's also about the emotional journey. Hull shares his feelings of loss, fear, and eventually acceptance. It's a powerful reminder of the human spirit's resilience.

Importance of Sound

Hull emphasizes the importance of sound in his life after losing his sight. He finds new ways to connect with the world through sounds, showing us that there's always a way to adapt and find joy in life.

Spiritual Exploration

In 'Touching the Rock', Hull also explores his spiritual beliefs. He finds comfort and strength in his faith, which helps him navigate his new life. It's a fascinating look into how spirituality can help in times of crisis.

Inspiring Resilience

One of the key takeaways from the book is Hull's inspiring resilience. Despite the challenges he faces, he continues to live a fulfilling life. It's a powerful message that can inspire us to overcome our own obstacles.


Ed Cooke

Ed Cooke


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