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422 pages, 2016

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

The work is part of our cultural heritage. Scholars have called this work culturally significant, and it is now part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. The original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been stored in our world's most important libraries), and other notations will be visible in the work. In the United States of America, and potentially other countries, this work is in the public domain. 

You may freely reproduce and distribute this work within the United States, since no entity (individual or corporate) owns the copyright on the work's body. ‍This work may have missing or fuzzy pages, poor photographs, erroneous markings, and other issues because it is a replica of a historical relic. Scholars feel that this work is significant enough should be saved, reproduced, and made widely available to the public, and we agree.''

Understanding Tolstoy's Life

Henri Troyat's book 'Tolstoy' gives us a deep insight into the life of the famous Russian author. It's a great chance to explore Tolstoy's journey from his privileged upbringing to his later years as a spiritual and moral thinker.

Tolstoy's Transformation

Troyat beautifully captures Tolstoy's transformation from a young aristocrat to a renowned author and finally to a spiritual leader. It's fascinating to see how his life experiences shaped his writing and philosophy.

Tolstoy's Writing Process

Ever wondered how Tolstoy wrote his masterpieces? Troyat's book gives us a peek into Tolstoy's creative process. It's a must-read for anyone interested in literature and the art of storytelling.

Tolstoy's Influence

Troyat shows us how Tolstoy's work and philosophy influenced not just his contemporaries, but generations to come. It's a great opportunity to research the impact of Tolstoy's work on world literature.

Tolstoy's Philosophy

Troyat's book helps us understand Tolstoy's philosophy of life, his views on religion, morality, and society. It's a great way to dig deeper into the mind of one of the greatest authors of all time.


authorJordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson

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Tolstoy found in libraries

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