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To Say Nothing of the Dog

493 pages, 1998



1382 books

In Doomsday Book (1992) and Blackout/All Clear (2010), Connie Willis used time travel for a serious look at how people connect with each other. In Passage (2011), a Hugo-winning companion to Doomsday Book, she offers a thoroughly different kind of time travel adventure: a delightful romantic comedy that pays hilarious homage to Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat. 

When too many jumps back to 1940 leave 21st century Oxford history student Ned Henry exhausted, a relaxing trip to Victorian England seems the perfect solution. But complexities like recalcitrant rowboats, missing cats, and love at first sight make Ned's holiday anything but restful – to say nothing of the way hideous pieces of Victorian art can jeopardize the entire course of history.

Time Travel and Its Complexities

In 'To Say Nothing of the Dog', Connie Willis explores the concept of time travel in a unique and engaging way. She shows us that time travel isn't as simple as it seems, with the potential for unexpected consequences and paradoxes. It's a great read if you're interested in a fresh take on this classic sci-fi theme.

The Importance of History

Willis emphasizes the importance of history and its preservation throughout the book. The characters are tasked with fixing a disruption in the timeline to prevent a catastrophic event in the future. This highlights how our actions in the present can significantly impact the future.

Humor in Science Fiction

Connie Willis proves that science fiction doesn't always have to be serious. 'To Say Nothing of the Dog' is filled with humor and wit, making it a fun and enjoyable read. If you're looking for a sci-fi book that will make you laugh, this is the one to check out.

The Intricacies of Love

The book also explores the theme of love in an unconventional setting. Despite the complex plot involving time travel, Willis doesn't forget to include a heartwarming love story. It's a reminder that love can blossom in the most unexpected places.

The Blend of Genres

One of the most interesting aspects of 'To Say Nothing of the Dog' is its blend of genres. Connie Willis successfully combines science fiction, mystery, and comedy into one captivating story. If you're looking to explore a book that breaks the boundaries of genre, this is a must-read.


authorJohn Green

John Green

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