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Things We Lost in the Fire

208 pages, 2017



1382 books

In these stories by internationally bestselling author Mariana Enriquez, contemporary Argentina is depicted as a place where shocking inequality, violence, and corruption are the norm. 

In these tales reminiscent of Shirley Jackson and Julio Cortázar, three young friends distract themselves with drugs and pain in the midst of a government-enforced blackout; a girl with nothing to lose steps into an abandoned house and never comes back out; to protest a viral form of domestic violence, a group of women commits mass suicide. 

But alongside the black magic and disturbing disappearances, these stories are fueled by compassion for the frightened and lost—mothers and daughters, husbands and wives—connecting them to a reality that is all too familiar.

Exploring the Dark Side of Humanity

In Things We Lost in the Fire, Mariana Enriquez takes us on a journey into the darker aspects of human nature. She explores themes of violence, poverty, and social unrest, showing us that these issues are not just confined to the pages of a book, but are real-world problems that need to be addressed.

The Power of Storytelling

Enriquez's book is a testament to the power of storytelling. She uses her stories to shed light on the harsh realities of life in Argentina, making us feel as if we're right there with her characters. It's a reminder of how stories can be used to bring attention to important issues.

The Supernatural as a Metaphor

In Things We Lost in the Fire, the supernatural is often used as a metaphor for the fears and anxieties of the characters. This shows us that sometimes, the things we fear the most are not the monsters under our bed, but the ones within ourselves.

The Impact of History and Culture

The book gives us a glimpse into Argentina's history and culture, and how these have shaped the lives of its people. It's a reminder that our past and our environment play a big role in who we are and how we see the world.

The Importance of Empathy

Through her stories, Enriquez encourages us to empathize with her characters, no matter how flawed they may be. This teaches us the importance of understanding and compassion, even when faced with the darkest aspects of humanity.


authorRoxane Gay

Roxane Gay
