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They Call Me Supermensch
304 pages, 2017
A dazzling look behind the scenes of the entertainment industry from the magnetic force who has worked with an impeccable roster of stars throughout his storied career.
In the course of his legendary career as a manager, agent, and producer, Shep Gordon has worked with and befriended, some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, from Alice Cooper to Bette Davis, Raquel Welch to Groucho Marx, Blondie to Jimi Hendrix, Sylvester Stallone to Salvador Dali, Luther Vandross to Teddy Pendergrass.
He is also credited with inventing the celebrity chef—Nobu Matsuhisa and Wolfgang Puck are among Gordon's clients—and has worked with many others including his holiness the Dalai Lama.
In They Call Me Supermensch, Shep Gordon emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships. He shares how his connections with various celebrities helped him succeed in the entertainment industry. So, take a look at your own relationships and see how they can be nurtured and improved.
Life is full of surprises, and Shep Gordon's life is no exception. He shows us that sometimes, the best opportunities come from the most unexpected places. So, don't be afraid of the unexpected, instead, embrace it and see where it leads you.
Shep Gordon is known for his kindness and generosity. In his book, he shares how these qualities have not only made him a better person but also contributed to his success. So, why not explore ways to incorporate more kindness into your own life?
They Call Me Supermensch is a testament to Shep Gordon's tenacity. Despite numerous challenges, he never gave up and eventually achieved his goals. So, if you're facing obstacles, remember to stay persistent and keep pushing forward.
Shep Gordon's story is not just about success, but also about finding balance. He shares how he managed to find happiness and fulfillment in both his personal and professional life. So, take some time to check your own life balance and find ways to improve it.
Quotes 4
Shep Gordon is a legend. His life story is as entertaining and as mind-boggling as any of his clients' could ever be.
Shep Gordon is one of the most beloved and respected talent managers in the music industry. He is also a master raconteur.
Shep Gordon is the nicest person I've ever met. I've been his client and best friend for over 40 years.
Shep Gordon is a great storyteller. His stories will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even change your life.
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