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There But For The

256 pages, 2012



1382 books

Ali Smith's latest novel is a sparkling satire about a man who locks himself in the bathroom at a dinner party. . . And as time passes by and the consequences of this stranger's actions ripple outwards, touching the owners, the guests, the neighbors and the whole country—so Smith draws us into a beautiful, strange place where everyone is so much more than they at first appear.

Exploring the Power of Words

Ali Smith uses her unique storytelling style to show us the power of words. She makes us realize that words can be used to both connect and disconnect us from the world. It's a great reminder to be mindful of how we use language in our daily lives.

Understanding the Importance of Connection

The book emphasizes the importance of human connection. It shows us that even in our increasingly digital world, nothing can replace the value of genuine human interaction. So, take a moment to check in with your loved ones today.

Questioning Social Norms

Smith challenges us to question our social norms. She encourages us to look beyond what's considered 'normal' and to embrace our individuality. It's a great book for anyone who's ever felt like they don't quite fit in.

Exploring the Concept of Home

There But For The makes us think about what 'home' really means. Is it a physical place, or is it where we feel most loved and accepted? This book will make you see your own home in a new light.

Appreciating the Beauty of the Ordinary

Smith has a knack for finding beauty in the ordinary. She reminds us to appreciate the simple things in life, like a good meal or a warm bed. It's a great reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment.
