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There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé
80 pages, 2017
The only thing more beautiful than Beyoncé is God, and God is a black woman sipping rosé and drawing a lavender bath, texting her mom, belly-laughing in the therapist’s office, feeling unloved, being on display, daring to survive.
Morgan Parker stands at the intersections of vulnerability and performance, desire and disgust, tragedy and excellence.
Unrelentingly feminist, tender, ruthless, and sequined, these poems are an altar to the complexities of black American womanhood in an age of non-indictments and deja vu and a time of wars over bodies and power.
These poems celebrate and mourn. They are a chorus chanting: You’re gonna give us the love we need.
Morgan Parker's book, There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé, takes a deep look into the complexities of being a black woman in today's society. It's a must-read for anyone wanting to understand the unique struggles and triumphs of black womanhood.
The book encourages readers to find beauty within themselves. It's not about comparing yourself to Beyoncé or anyone else, but about embracing your own unique beauty and worth. Check it out to learn more about the power of self-love.
Parker uses pop culture references, like Beyoncé, to make poignant commentary on society and race. If you're interested in exploring cultural issues through a fresh lens, this book is for you.
There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé is a collection of poetry. It's a great way to see how Parker uses language and rhythm to express her thoughts and feelings. If you're a fan of poetry or looking to get into it, you'll definitely want to read this.
Reading this book is an emotional journey. Parker isn't afraid to dig into the raw, sometimes painful realities of life. But she also celebrates the joy and resilience that comes from those experiences. If you're ready for a book that will make you feel, look no further.
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Morgan Parker's poetry is a riveting and unprecedented exploration of black womanhood. Her work is both audacious and vulnerable, leaving an indelible mark on the reader.
Parker's poetry is a fearless and raw depiction of modern black womanhood, filled with an unapologetic honesty that is as powerful as it is vulnerable.
Parker's work is a testament to the power and necessity of the black female voice in literature. Her poetry is a beacon of truth and resilience.
Parker's poetry is a bold and unflinching examination of the black female experience. Her work is a necessary addition to the canon of contemporary poetry.