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Theodore Rex

792 pages, 2002


Theodore Roosevelt and his two-term presidency (1901-9) deserve a king-size, seize-the-man biography—and Edmund Morris has provided one. TR typifies the can-do American; his famous maxim, of course, was Speak softly but carry a big stick. Morris presents eyewitness history through the voices of the makers and shakers. His exhilarating narrative will captivate readers, providing welcome confirmation that this nation can produce presidents who bring leadership to great issues and shape the destinies of nations.

 President McKinley's assassination brought the 43-year-old TR a challenging presidency; at home, he had to persuade Congress to curb competition-stifling corporate trusts as well as monopolistic transcontinental railroads and unhygienic food industries that saw consumers as sheep. He also faced labor and racial strife abroad when he took on an empire in Cuba and a terrorist in Panama, then annexed them for America's good.

Theodore Roosevelt's Leadership Style

In Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris paints a vivid picture of Theodore Roosevelt's unique leadership style. He was a man of action, who believed in leading from the front. He was not afraid to take on big businesses and fight for the rights of the common man. This book encourages readers to explore Roosevelt's approach to leadership and perhaps find inspiration for their own leadership journey.

Roosevelt's Progressive Policies

Theodore Rex takes a deep look into Roosevelt's progressive policies. He was a president who believed in the power of government to make positive changes in society. From conservation to labor rights, Roosevelt's policies were ahead of his time. This book encourages readers to research more about these policies and their impact on American society.

Roosevelt's Personal Life

Edmund Morris doesn't just focus on Roosevelt's political life, he also gives us a glimpse into his personal life. From his love for nature to his passion for reading, Roosevelt was a man of many interests. This book encourages readers to see the man behind the president and perhaps find common ground with him.

Roosevelt's Impact on America

Theodore Rex is a great book to check out if you want to understand the impact Roosevelt had on America. From his role in the construction of the Panama Canal to his efforts to regulate big businesses, Roosevelt left a lasting legacy. This book encourages readers to dig deeper into the impact of Roosevelt's presidency on America.

Roosevelt's Communication Skills

One of the key takeaways from Theodore Rex is Roosevelt's exceptional communication skills. He was a master at using the media to his advantage and was known for his fiery speeches. This book encourages readers to look into Roosevelt's communication style and perhaps learn a thing or two about effective communication.


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