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Theft by Finding

528 pages, 2018


David Sedaris has been keeping a diary for forty years, in which he records everything that captures his attention--overheard comments, salacious gossip, soap opera plot twists.

 These observations are the source code for his finest work, and through them, he has honed his cunning and surprising sentences. Now, Sedaris shares his private writings with the world. In Theft by Finding: Diaries (1977-2002), Sedaris offers up a trove of material that is at once funny, poignant, and revealing. Theft by Finding is an intimate window into Sedaris's life—a life as rich and strange as the stories told here.

The Power of Observation

In Theft by Finding, David Sedaris shows us the power of observation. He takes everyday situations and finds humor and insight in them. This book encourages us to look at our own lives with a fresh perspective, finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.

The Evolution of a Writer

Theft by Finding is a collection of Sedaris's diary entries, which allows us to see his evolution as a writer. It's fascinating to see how he hones his craft over time. If you're an aspiring writer, you'll find a lot of inspiration in this book.

The Importance of Persistence

David Sedaris didn't become a successful writer overnight. His diaries show his persistence and dedication to his craft. If you're feeling stuck in your own pursuits, this book will remind you that success often comes after years of hard work.

The Value of Personal Experiences

Sedaris's diaries are filled with his personal experiences, which he uses to create engaging stories. This book shows us that our own experiences are valuable and can be used as a source of creativity and inspiration.

The Art of Storytelling

In Theft by Finding, Sedaris proves himself to be a master storyteller. His diary entries are engaging, humorous, and insightful. If you're interested in storytelling, you'll learn a lot from how Sedaris crafts his narratives.


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