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The Worm at the Core

288 pages, 2016



705 books


711 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

A revolutionary, fascinating theory—based on robust and groundbreaking experimental research—reveals how our unconscious fear of death powers almost everything we do, shining a light on the hidden motives that drive human behavior. Well over one hundred years ago, the American philosopher William James dubbed the knowledge that we must die “the worm at the core” of the human condition. 

In 1974, cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker won the Pulitzer Prize for his book The Denial of Death, arguing that the terror of death has a pervasive effect on human affairs. Authors Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, and Tom Pyszczynski clarify with wide-ranging evidence how our fear of death guides our thoughts and actions in many ways: from causing us to create great art to causing us to wage devastating wars.

Understanding Death Anxiety

In 'The Worm at the Core', Sheldon Solomon explores the concept of death anxiety. He suggests that our fear of death is a driving force behind many of our behaviors and decisions. This fear, often subconscious, influences our actions in ways we may not even realize.

Cultural Impact on Death Perception

Solomon digs into how our cultural backgrounds shape our perceptions of death. Different societies have unique ways of dealing with the inevitability of death, and these cultural norms can greatly impact how we view and handle our own mortality.

Terror Management Theory

One of the key concepts in the book is the Terror Management Theory. This theory suggests that humans create cultural worldviews to help manage the terror of death. By understanding this theory, you can see how it plays out in your own life and society.

Impact on Personal Behavior

The book encourages you to take a look at how your own fear of death may be influencing your behavior. Are you making choices based on a subconscious fear of mortality? Solomon's research might make you rethink your decisions and actions.

Overcoming Death Anxiety

Finally, 'The Worm at the Core' offers insights on how to overcome death anxiety. By acknowledging and confronting our fears, we can live more fulfilling lives. So, check out this book if you're ready to face your fears and live life to the fullest.


authorWhitney Cummings

Whitney Cummings

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