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The Woman Who Could Not Forget

472 pages, 2012

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

As told by her mother, the poignant story of Iris Chang, who as a young writer uncovered the atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against Chinese civilians during World War II. Chang's best-selling book The Rape of Nanking forever changed the way we view the Second World War in Asia. It all began with a photo of a river choked with the bodies of hundreds of Chinese civilians that shook Chang to her core. Who were these people? Why had this happened and how could their story have been lost to history? She could not shake that image from her head. She was unable to forget what she had seen. A few short years later, Chang revealed this second Holocaust to the world. The Japanese atrocities against the people of Nanking were so extreme that a Nazi party leader based in China actually petitioned Hitler to ask the Japanese government to stop the massacre. But who was this woman that single-handedly swept away years of silence, secrecy and shame?

The Power of Memory

In The Woman Who Could Not Forget, Ying-Ying Chang explores the importance of memory. She shows us how her daughter, Iris Chang, used her ability to remember historical events to shed light on forgotten atrocities. This book encourages us to value our memories and use them to learn from the past.

The Influence of Passion

Ying-Ying Chang's book shows us how passion can drive a person's life and career. Iris Chang's passion for history and justice led her to become a successful author and activist. It's a great reminder to follow our passions and see where they lead us.

The Impact of Mental Health

The book also highlights the importance of mental health. Iris Chang's struggle with depression eventually led to her untimely death. This is a wake-up call for everyone to take mental health seriously and seek help when needed.

The Role of Family

Ying-Ying Chang's book gives us a glimpse into the strong bond between her and her daughter. Despite Iris's busy life and career, she always found time for her family. This book encourages us to cherish our family relationships and make time for our loved ones.

The Importance of History

The Woman Who Could Not Forget emphasizes the importance of remembering and learning from history. Iris Chang's work focused on uncovering and sharing forgotten historical events. This book inspires us to dig into history, learn from it, and share our knowledge with others.


authorJocko Willink

Jocko Willink

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