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The White Goddess

544 pages, 2013


The definitive edition of one of the more extraordinary and influential books of our time, this labyrinthine and extraordinary book was the outcome of Robert Graves's vast reading and curious research into strange territories of folklore, mythology, religion, and magic.

 Erudite and impassioned, it is a scholar-poet's quest for the meaning of European myths, a polemic about the relations between man and woman, and also an intensely personal document in which Graves explores the sources of his own inspiration and—as he believed—all true poetry. 

Incorporating all of Graves's final revisions along with his replies to two of the original reviewers' comments on The White Goddess, this fully annotated luxury edition is sure to become an essential reference source not only for students but also for anyone interested in literary history.

Exploring the Power of the Feminine

In The White Goddess, Robert Graves takes us on a journey to explore the power of the feminine divine. He argues that the 'White Goddess' has been a central figure in Western culture's mythology and poetry. This book will make you see the importance of female deities in a new light.

Understanding Poetry's Roots

Graves digs deep into the roots of poetry. He believes that true poetry has a magical, almost religious, quality that originates from the worship of the White Goddess. If you're a poetry lover, this book will give you a fresh perspective on its origins and purpose.

A New Perspective on History

The White Goddess isn't just about mythology and poetry. Graves also provides a unique interpretation of historical events. He suggests that many ancient societies were matriarchal, worshipping the White Goddess before patriarchal systems took over. This book will make you rethink what you know about history.

The Importance of Symbols

Graves encourages us to look into the significance of symbols in literature and mythology. He deciphers various symbols related to the White Goddess, showing how they've influenced Western culture. You'll start seeing symbols everywhere after reading this book!

The Influence of the White Goddess

The White Goddess has had a profound influence on many writers and poets, according to Graves. He himself was deeply inspired by her. By reading this book, you'll find out how this ancient deity continues to shape modern literature.


Quotes 4

The White Goddess by Robert Graves is a work of profound and lasting importance, a book that has shaped the way we think about mythology and literature.

Harold BloomHarold Bloom - Literary critic

The White Goddess is a book that has had a profound influence on my own understanding of the poetic tradition.

Ted HughesTed Hughes - Poet Laureate

Graves' The White Goddess is a seminal work, a book that has profoundly shaped my own thinking about the nature of myth and its role in human culture.

Camille PagliaCamille Paglia - Cultural critic

The White Goddess is a book that has had a deep and lasting impact on my own work as a poet.

Seamus HeaneySeamus Heaney - Nobel laureate
Harold BloomTed HughesCamille PagliaSeamus Heaney


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