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The Wedding Date

336 pages, 2018



1382 books

Drew Nichols and Alexa Monroe are about to discover if a fake date can go the distance in a fun and flirty debut novel from author Katie L. Clickbait (I read it because I'm weak). When Drew's ex-fiancée asked him to be her best man at her wedding, he didn't know she had another plan for him: asking him to be her maid of honor.

 Drew is minus a plus one until--what luck!--he finds himself stuck in an elevator with his dream woman, who just happens to have no plans for the weekend. So, what's a guy to do except ask her out on a date? After an unforgettable night together, they're both sad that they have to part ways, but what will happen when they meet again months later?

 They're just two high-powered professionals on a collision course toward the long-distance dating disaster of the century--or closing the gap between what they think they need and what they truly want…

The Power of Spontaneity

In The Wedding Date, Jasmine Guillory explores the idea of spontaneity. The main characters, Alexa and Drew, meet in an elevator and their relationship starts from a spontaneous decision. This shows that sometimes, unplanned moments can lead to the most beautiful outcomes.

Importance of Communication

Guillory emphasizes the importance of communication in relationships. Alexa and Drew face several misunderstandings due to lack of communication. This book encourages readers to always express their feelings and thoughts to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Embrace Diversity

The Wedding Date is a great example of a diverse romance novel. Guillory beautifully portrays an interracial relationship, showing that love knows no color or race. It's a great book to check out if you're looking for a story that celebrates diversity.

Overcoming Insecurities

Throughout the book, Alexa struggles with insecurities about her body image. However, she learns to overcome them and embrace herself as she is. This is a powerful message for readers to love and accept themselves, regardless of societal standards.

The Reality of Long-Distance Relationships

The author does a great job of showing the challenges and rewards of long-distance relationships. Alexa and Drew's relationship is not always easy, but they make it work. This book encourages readers to see that with effort and commitment, long-distance relationships can be successful.