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The Waterworks

253 pages, 2007



1382 books

In 1871, freelance writer Martin Pemberton sees a group of old men riding in a stagecoach. Amid the rain and mist, one man stands out from the rest. He realizes that this is his supposedly dead father—and then Pemberton mysteriously disappears. His employer, McIlvaine, editor of an evening paper, sets out to uncover what really happened to his missing employee. 

In E. L. Doctorow’s skilled hands, The Waterworks becomes, in the words of The New York Times, “a dark moral tale” that reveals a city surging with primal urges and sins.

Exploring the Historical Setting

The Waterworks by E.L. Doctorow takes us back to the 1870s in New York City. It's a great chance to explore the historical setting and see how the city was during that time. The author paints a vivid picture of the city's landscape, making you feel like you're right there.

Unraveling a Mysterious Plot

The book is a thrilling journey into a mysterious plot. Doctorow has crafted a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat. You'll find yourself constantly trying to piece together the puzzle and figure out what's going on.

Understanding the Power of Science

The Waterworks also gives us a look into the power and potential dangers of science. It's a reminder that while scientific advancements can bring about progress, they can also lead to unforeseen consequences. It's a thought-provoking take that will make you see science in a new light.

Appreciating the Art of Storytelling

E.L. Doctorow's storytelling in The Waterworks is something to be admired. He weaves together a complex narrative with rich characters, making the story come alive. It's a testament to his skill as a writer and something you'll definitely appreciate.

Reflecting on Themes of Life and Death

The book encourages us to reflect on the themes of life and death. It's a deep and meaningful exploration that will make you think about these universal themes in a new way. So, if you're up for a book that will make you ponder, check out The Waterworks.


authorTa-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates


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