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The War on Cops

248 pages, 2016

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

This book expands on Heather Mac Donald's groundbreaking and controversial reporting on the Ferguson effect and the criminal-justice system. It deconstructs the central narrative of the Black Lives Matter movement: that racist cops are the greatest threat to young black males. 

On the contrary, it is criminals and sandbaggers who are responsible for the high black homicide death rate. The War on Cops exposes the truth about officer use of force and explodes the conceit of “mass incarceration. ”

The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

Heather Mac Donald challenges the popular narrative of systemic police racism. She presents research and statistics to argue that racial bias in law enforcement is largely a myth, and that the narrative is damaging to police-community relations.

The Ferguson Effect

Mac Donald introduces the concept of the 'Ferguson Effect'. She suggests that the increased scrutiny and criticism of police following high-profile incidents of police brutality have led to a decrease in proactive policing, resulting in a rise in crime.

The Importance of Proactive Policing

The War on Cops emphasizes the importance of proactive policing in maintaining public safety. Mac Donald argues that when police are discouraged from proactive strategies, crime rates increase, often affecting minority communities the most.

The Role of Media and Activists

Mac Donald takes a critical look at the role of media and activists in shaping public perception of law enforcement. She argues that they often present a distorted view of police, which fuels anti-police sentiment and hampers effective law enforcement.

The Need for a Balanced Conversation

The book calls for a more balanced conversation on policing and race. Mac Donald believes that acknowledging the complexities of these issues, rather than resorting to blanket criticisms of law enforcement, is key to improving police-community relations.

Quotes 3

Heather Mac Donald's book is a must-read for those who want to understand the issues of law enforcement and race. It provides a sobering and enlightening perspective on the realities of policing in America.

Thomas SowellThomas Sowell - Economist, Social Theorist

Heather Mac Donald's 'The War on Cops' is an essential read for anyone interested in the truth about America's law enforcement. It's a powerful, eye-opening book.

Rush LimbaughRush Limbaugh - Radio Personality, Political Commentator

Mac Donald's book is a compelling defense of law enforcement as an essential pillar of our society. It's a must-read for anyone who cares about the rule of law.

William P. BarrWilliam P. Barr - Former Attorney General
Thomas SowellRush LimbaughWilliam P. Barr


authorBen Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

journalistmedia personalitypoliticsauthor

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