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The Visual History of Type

672 pages, 2017



194 books


999 books

Good typography is an often-undervalued and underappreciated element in modern product design. Text is never just text; it often goes unnoticed in good design, but good type design can elicit emotion, guide attention, and create a typographical identity. 

The designers at Mailchimp valued the power of typography in their recent rebranding when they selected an old-style serif typeface as their primary font. Cooper Light was originally released over 100 years ago and has become synonymous with Mailchimp's brand in just a couple of years. 

Bad typography sticks out even to non-design-oriented folks; it reflects badly on the brand, leading to a poor user experience. Often (and I'm guilty of this), designers rely on trends rather than carefully considering the best typeface for a given project.

Understanding the Evolution of Typography

In 'The Visual History of Type', Paul McNeil takes us on a journey through the evolution of typography. From the earliest printing techniques to the modern digital era, you'll explore how type has changed and developed over centuries.

The Impact of Technology on Typography

McNeil's book shows how technology has played a crucial role in the development of typography. As you read, you'll see how the invention of the printing press, typewriters, and computers have revolutionized the way we create and perceive type.

The Art and Science of Typography

Typography is not just about letters on a page. It's an art and a science, and 'The Visual History of Type' helps you understand this. McNeil explains the principles of good typography and how it can influence the way we communicate and understand information.

Influence of Culture and Society on Typography

The book also explores how culture and society have shaped typography. You'll find out how different periods in history, from the Renaissance to the digital age, have left their mark on the way we use type.

Appreciating the Beauty of Type

Finally, 'The Visual History of Type' encourages you to appreciate the beauty of type. As you dig into the book, you'll start to see type not just as a tool for communication, but as a form of art in its own right.


Jeremiah Shoaf

Jeremiah Shoaf


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