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The Uncensored War

304 pages, 1989



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

In 1985, the tenth year after the end of the Vietnam War, a book about the conflict was published. It was also the year Rambo was released, as well as several other celebrations of the war in popular culture. Congress cut off aid to Nicaragua, approved humanitarian aid in support of their guerrilla war and then reversed itself again. The nation's identity as an actor in world politics seemed particularly vulnerable to appealing myths and thus deeply confused about its own identity.

Understanding Media's Role in War

In The Uncensored War, Daniel C. Hallin explores the role of media during the Vietnam War. He shows how media can shape public opinion and influence political decisions. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding the power of media in shaping history.

The Myth of Uncensored War

Hallin debunks the myth of the 'uncensored' Vietnam War. He argues that the war was not as openly reported as we often believe. This book will make you rethink what you know about the Vietnam War and the role of media in reporting conflicts.

Media's Influence on Public Perception

The Uncensored War digs into how media coverage can drastically alter public perception. Hallin shows how the media's portrayal of the Vietnam War influenced public opinion and policy. If you're curious about the media's power in shaping our views, this book is a must-read.

The Relationship Between Media and Government

Hallin explores the complex relationship between the media and government during the Vietnam War. He shows how the government can manipulate media coverage to control the narrative. This book will give you a new perspective on the dynamics between media and government.

Critical Analysis of War Reporting

In The Uncensored War, Hallin provides a critical analysis of war reporting. He examines the limitations and biases of media coverage during the Vietnam War. If you're interested in media studies or journalism, you'll find this book incredibly insightful.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
