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The Ultimate Betrayal

260 pages, 2013

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

According to a recent study, more than 99% of animals raised for food in the U.S. are cruelly confined on factory farms. But that's not all: they're also pumped full of antibiotics, genetically modified and forced to live in their own waste. With so many options available—including grass-fed beef and free-range chicken—it's time we demand better treatment for farm animals. And thankfully, there are plenty of delicious foods available right now that can help us make our diets more humane.

The Reality of 'Humane' Animal Farming

Hope Bohanec explores the truth behind the 'humane' label on animal products. She reveals that these labels often mislead consumers into believing they are making ethical choices, when in reality, the animals are still subjected to cruelty and harsh conditions.

The Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture

Bohanec digs into the environmental consequences of animal farming. She highlights how it contributes to climate change, deforestation, and water pollution. This book will make you rethink your dietary choices and their impact on our planet.

The Health Risks of Animal Products

The Ultimate Betrayal also looks into the health risks associated with consuming animal products. Bohanec presents research showing links between animal-based diets and various health issues, including heart disease and cancer.

The Power of Plant-Based Diets

Bohanec doesn't just focus on the negatives of animal farming. She also explores the benefits of plant-based diets. She shows how these diets can improve your health, reduce environmental impact, and prevent animal suffering.

The Need for Consumer Awareness

The Ultimate Betrayal emphasizes the need for consumers to be more aware of the realities behind the food industry. Bohanec encourages readers to question labels, do their own research, and make more informed choices about what they eat.


Earthling Ed

Earthling Ed
