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The Turner House

352 pages, 2016



1382 books

‍In Detroit, there are no ghosts. That's what Francis Turner said when his children claimed to have seen a ghost. He and his wife moved to Detroit so that they could raise their children in a safer neighborhood. Francis would not be haunted by the past, so he made up the story about ghosts being nonexistent in Detroit. However, he died when one of his daughters was thirteen years old, and Yarrow Street became haunted by more than just haints..

The Importance of Family

The Turner House explores the deep bonds and complex dynamics of the Turner family. Despite their differences and conflicts, they stick together, showing us that family is a source of strength and support. It's a reminder that no matter what, family is always there for you.

The Impact of History and Culture

Angela Flournoy takes us on a journey through the history of Detroit, showing how the city's rise and fall affected the Turner family. The book highlights how our surroundings and cultural heritage shape our lives and identities.

The Struggle with Personal Demons

The characters in The Turner House grapple with their personal demons, from addiction to financial troubles. It's a reminder that everyone has their battles to fight, but it's how we deal with them that defines us.

The Power of Resilience

Despite the hardships they face, the Turner family shows remarkable resilience. They remind us that life can be tough, but we have the power to overcome challenges and come out stronger.

The Value of Home

The Turner House itself is a character in the book, symbolizing the family's history and struggles. It shows us that a home is more than just a building; it's a place filled with memories and emotions, and it's worth fighting for.

Quotes 3

The Turner House is a vivid and immersive exploration of one family's struggle, set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing Detroit. It's a powerful and poignant read.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - TV host, philanthropist

Angela Flournoy's The Turner House is a compelling family saga that explores the love and burdens of familial bonds.

Tayari JonesTayari Jones - Novelist, professor

The Turner House is a masterful work, a profound story of family and the ties that bind us.

Elizabeth GilbertElizabeth Gilbert - Author, speaker
Oprah WinfreyTayari JonesElizabeth Gilbert
