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The Travels of Marco Polo

472 pages, 2008

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books


999 books

In this handsome and newly revised hardcover edition, Marco Polo’s vivid descriptions of the splendid cities and people he encountered on his journey along the Silk Road through the Middle East, South Asia, and China open a window for contemporary readers onto the fascinations of the East. To a contemporary audience, his colorful stories—and above all, his breathtaking description of the court of the great Kublai Khan, Mongol emperor of China—offer dazzling portraits of worlds long gone.

Explore the World Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Marco Polo's travels took him far beyond the familiar, into lands unknown and cultures vastly different from his own. He encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and explore the world, embracing the unfamiliar and the unknown.

Cultural Diversity is a Treasure

Throughout his travels, Marco Polo encountered a multitude of different cultures, each with its own unique customs, traditions, and ways of life. He teaches us to appreciate and respect cultural diversity, seeing it as a treasure rather than a barrier.

The Importance of Curiosity and Open-mindedness

Marco Polo's curiosity and open-mindedness allowed him to fully immerse himself in the cultures he encountered, learning from them and sharing their stories with the world. He inspires us to approach life with the same curiosity and open-mindedness, always ready to learn and grow.

The Power of Storytelling

Marco Polo's book is a testament to the power of storytelling. His vivid descriptions and engaging narratives bring his travels to life, allowing readers to journey with him across continents. He shows us that storytelling is a powerful tool for sharing experiences, knowledge, and understanding.

The Value of Persistence

Marco Polo's travels were not easy. He faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but he never gave up. His persistence is a reminder of the value of perseverance in the face of adversity, encouraging us to keep going, no matter what.

Quotes 4

Marco Polo's accounts of the East inspired me to embark on my own voyages of discovery.

Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus - Explorer, Navigator

Marco Polo's book was a window into a world unknown, a world that I sought to capture in my own writings.

Rudyard KiplingRudyard Kipling - Author, Poet

Marco Polo's travels are a testament to the human spirit of exploration and discovery.

Henry YuleHenry Yule - Orientalist, Translator

Marco Polo's book is a reminder that the world is vast, diverse, and full of wonders.

John GreenJohn Green - Author, Vlogger
Christopher ColumbusRudyard KiplingHenry YuleJohn Green



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