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The Throwback Special

224 pages, 2017



1382 books

In The Throwback Special , Chris Bachelder introduces us to a group of twenty-two men who gather every fall to painstakingly reenact what ESPN named “the most shocking play in NFL history” and the Washington Redskins dubbed the “Throwback Special”: the November 1985 play in which the Redskins’ Joe Theismann had his leg horribly broken by Lawrence Taylor of the New York Giants live on Monday Night Football. With wit and great empathy, Bachelder explores what motivates these men—from Charles, a psychologist whose expertise is in high demand; to George, a garrulous public librarian; from Fat Michael, envied and despised by the others for being exquisitely fit; to Jeff, a recently divorced man who has become a theorist of marriage.

The Power of Rituals

In The Throwback Special, Chris Bachelder explores the importance of rituals in our lives. The annual gathering of the men to reenact a football game is a ritual that brings them together and gives them a sense of belonging. It's a reminder that we all need rituals in our lives to create a sense of stability and connection.

The Complexity of Male Friendships

Bachelder digs into the intricacies of male friendships. He shows us that these relationships can be complex, filled with unspoken emotions and subtle dynamics. It's a reminder to take a closer look at our own friendships and appreciate the depth they add to our lives.

The Impact of Shared Experiences

The book highlights how shared experiences can bond people together. The men in the story are united by their shared love for a historic football game. This teaches us that shared experiences, no matter how trivial they may seem, can create strong bonds and lasting memories.

The Nostalgia of Past Times

The Throwback Special is filled with nostalgia. The men are recreating a game from the past, and in doing so, they are reliving their own pasts. This shows us the power of nostalgia and how it can make us yearn for simpler times.

The Search for Meaning

Throughout the book, the characters are constantly searching for meaning in their lives. They find it in their annual gathering and the reenactment of the game. It's a reminder for us to find our own sources of meaning and purpose in life.
